
The Montessori path of education began with Dr. Maria Montessori. Through scientific observation, she discovered that children under the age of six years learn best they learn at their own pace and are given a choice in their activities. With the child’s unique development in mind, Dr. Montessori prepared a unique open environment in response to the child’s natural interests and developmental pace. This breakthrough sparked a revolution that led to the Montessori Method being taught all over the world
We at the Joyce Goonesekera Montessori House of Children believe that children have a natural desire to learn and will do so joyfully if given the opportunity.


Children learn best at their own pace, and when they are given choice in their activities.


A unique open environment designed for the child’s natural interests and developmental pace.


We believe that children have a natural desire to learn and will joyfully do so, given the opportunity.

The Montessori Adult

Montessori adults at our House of Children work with your child individually, encouraging him or her to explore the areas that excite and engage him or her. As the each child masters an exercise, he or she is guided to the next appropriate challenge. The adult therefore plays a much different role than in a traditional classroom. She is a helper and a guide rather than a teacher.

Age grouping and communities

Instead of dividing children by grade, classes place children between the ages of three and six in the same class. Multi-age classrooms help children develop social skills, challenge them to learn and encourage children to work together, with each other’s best interests in mind.

Teaching method

We use extensive observation to guide and help children develop at their own pace. While “the basics” are taught, children are encouraged to explore other styles of learning and expression. There are no “grades,” but teachers observe, keep records and plan individual projects that ensure that your child is engaged and learning at his or her best pace.

See in action

To see the Montessori philosophy in action,
contact us and request a visit